Join the Fight. Support Great Plains Diabetes

A contribution of any size will help Great Plains Diabetes. Thank you in advance for your gift. 

  • $15, $25, $50, to $100 will support the public and patient education services
  • $750 will underwrite one day at the GPD clinic (including clinic space, staff expenses, and the electronic record system)
  • $3,750 funds a week of our diabetes care

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Donation Total: $500.00

A lifeline has been provided for Kansans and their families faced with the challenge of living with diabetes.

Great Plains Diabetes (formerly known as Great Plains Diabetes Research Inc.) has expanded our non-profit services to include a comprehensive diabetes clinic. Since opening, the clinic has seen well over 300 patients providing patient centered care.

  • A young husband and father were experiencing alarming symptoms. He called his primary care provider, and was told he couldn’t be seen for several days. Having heard of the diabetes care and education offered by Dr. Guthrie’s group including Belinda Childs, APRN, he called – and was scheduled for an appointment the next morning. Immediately diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, he was started on insulin, and was provided the education needed to live successfully with diabetes. Like many fathers he has dreams for the future: watching his children receive their diplomas, walking his daughter down the aisle, greeting and loving his grandchildren. It goes without saying that this young man relies on Great Plains Diabetes’ excellent medical care to help him fulfill these goals.
  • In 1985, an infant girl was diagnosed with diabetes. Dr. Guthrie and his staff at Mid-America Diabetes Associates provided her parents with the education and tools needed to care for her. For the next 28 years, Mid-America Diabetes Associates was the foundation of her medical care. She now serves as a successful marketing manager for a local non-profit and volunteers in the community. Great Plains Diabetes carries on the tradition of excellent care for her and many other patients.

People diagnosed with diabetes face similar difficult situations every day. With your support, Great Plains Diabetes will continue the tradition of excellent diabetes care, education, and support services for our community.

Your investment in Great Plains Diabetes aids us in continuing to provide the highest quality diabetes care continuing the tradition started by Drs. Richard and Diana Guthrie, Belinda Childs, and their staff.

For volunteer opportunities, please call (316) 440-2802.