Services We Provide
Education, Management, Care, and Support
What to Expect at Your Visit
- Our goal for a diabetes visit is to provide you with the information and support you need to live a healthier life with diabetes.
- Your visit, as well as your medical treatment, will be individualized. Not two people with diabetes are the same. Neither should their treatment be.
If you have newly diagnosed diabetes, we will provided healthy eating guidelines and help you learn to monitor your blood glucose and make sense of those glucose levels.
If you, like many of our diabetes friends, have had diabetes for years or even decade, GPD will become your partner in living with diabetes for an even healthier long life.
- At your first visit, you’ll meet with the diabetes educator as well as the diabetes nurse specialist. Together, they represent 45 years of experience, backed by the guidance and consultation of Dr. Mortada.
- Your GPD team will ask about your overall health – including last eye exam, last exam to the dentist, new symptom, how are you feeling, and what is your mood.
- Before you take a seat in the exam room, we’ll check your weight, blood pressure, and download your meter or pump (if you haven’t already shared that.)
- Most importantly WE’LL ASK YOU: What are YOUR questions, concerns, what do you want to better understand or know more about when you leave the office that day?
Tap Into Your Health
Sign up now for your private access to the Great Plains Diabetes Patient Portal. Manage appointments, share information, map your healthy progress and more. MORE TO BE ADDED WHEN INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE Places to turn for help with the paperwork.- New Patient Forms
- Intake Form
- How to Join Telehealth Appointment
- Instructions for Telehealth Visit
- Blood Glucose Record Form
- How to Download CGM and Pump Info
- GPD Medical Records Release Authorization Form
- GPD School Parent Permission Form